A Mary Maeburne Christmas is out now!
The ornaments for the Christmas book are out now!
It is Christmas morning. I hope you heard those sleigh bells! Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday reading!
More Than Just A Story! Using paint to tell my story and using words to tell other stories along the way.
Artist and Author Website
The ornaments for the Christmas book are out now!
It is Christmas morning. I hope you heard those sleigh bells! Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday reading!
All of a Sutton has just been uploaded. It should be available to purchase within the next 48 hours. This one was a big undertaking. I used all of my own photographs, paintings and drawings. I also designed the cover and drew the images for the cover and the hours of editing and proofreading were endless. But it is finally finished and out in the world which I am super excited about. The store for the book will be available soon too with all sorts of products related to the book just like I created for the other books. Check back for stickers and mugs and many other items. Tomorrow I will begin writing book two in this series. I already have the notes and the outline, so it will probably become a book quickly. I expect to publish it around or just after Christmas.
The new book in a new series will be out this week. This was a fun one to write. It is a whole town experience. On the home page I have included the town map for fun. You will meet fun characters and experience the mountains in the midst of pages and pages of words. Reading will be an experience. I have put my whole heart on each page. In the book, Mallory is a photographer, so in this book I have included lots of my photos. I have also included another playlist and several recipes in this book once again. I wrote this book for the experience, so including listening to the songs during the reading of the book will make it feel more like a movie, along with the imagination of the reader.
The series is complete at least for now. There are three books in the series. It was hard to move on from the characters I loved so, but it had to be done. I am in the middle of writing the next book. I cannot reveal the title yet, but the series will be the Maeburne Mountain Series and it will have more lovable, yet quirky characters you will love reading about. I have just a few more things to cover before I finish the writing portion of this novel. Then the editing phase will begin. I plan to release this next book before the holidays, so soon.
On Kindle only, at the moment. Amazon has to approve of the print version before orders can be placed. Check back! This book was fun to write, but hard as it was the last in the series. I cried as I typed the last words and even when I edited the last words. I poured my heart and soul into these three books, and I have spent hundreds of hours writing, editing and proofreading, formatting, printing, and uploading, oh and designing. And oh the characters…! I really liked them! I painted all of the paintings for the covers and created all of the sketches used in books two and three. All of this has kept me focused and busy for which I am thankful. I have had fun. I do however long for discussions and questions from readers. So much goes into the writing process and sharing that is part of the fun. Writing, however, like brain surgery revealed a whole lot about myself and people in my life. That has been a side adventure for sure. But that is all I will say here. I am thankful for my readers. I have been shocked by who they are and by how they have supported me. But I’m not sure why. Life is full of surprises and I’m eternally grateful for them all.
As many of you know I wrote about Greenberg turkeys in my book. I have already had people ask me how to get one. Please visit their website at gobblegobble.com or call them at 903-595-0725. You will not regret it! I believe you can not like turkey and love this turkey. I’m no influencer. No one paid me to post this. I just love the company that much and I wanted to provide you with the info.
I wanted to explain a bit about this book thing here. I never set out to write a book, ever. I have to admit that I had always thought I could, and that I had a book in me. It was not until after brain surgery that I realized that I could easily write. I first wrote my own story just for my kids. Then, stories started coming to me like they were being downloaded. Making Room is one of those stories. I wrote the book every day for one month typing as fast as I could. I started out writing character ideas on notecards and then shifted to my computer. I only type with one hand now, but it was flying. I never stopped to think how the story should go or what the characters should say. I just let it flow. Because of that, I think it is a special story. I did not try to write a sweet story with heart. It appeared on my computer screen. I believe I was divinely guided, and so I have chosen to share the story with the world now too. Buy the book and share it with friends and family to help me get it out there, not to support me. Authors, new authors don’t do it for the money. The amount of money I make on each book is a tiny portion. Don’t read it for me. Read it only if you like Hallmark movies because it is just like one—everything works out and the characters are happy in the end just the way I like it. I like stories and movies like that because I don’t need twists and turns and frustration and disappointment and sadness for entertainment. Real life has enough of that! I can attest!